mbl.is employs robots

Due to an overwhelming lack of reporters who know how to write, mbl.is has begun employing robots to write their stories.

"He was taken with an ambulance to the Landspķtali in Reykjavķk. The aeroplane was en route from Frankfurt to Chicago. He was taken with an ambulance to the Landspķtalinn in Reykjavķk. The aeroplane was en route from Frankfurt to Chicago".

The robots have been proven to be less expensive than their human counterparts. However, the news are now less legible than ever.

mbl.is Lenti vegna hjartveiks faržega
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1 Smįmynd: Vendetta

Ég vil benda į aš setningin "However, the news are now less legible than ever" er mįlfręšilega röng. Hiš rétta er "However, the news is now less legible than ever." eša "However, the news reports are now less legible than ever."

So who's the robot now?

Vendetta, 25.2.2008 kl. 15:52

2 Smįmynd: Orly

Well, slap my ass and call me Judy, you're right!

The noun "news" is plural but singular in construction. 

Orly, 25.2.2008 kl. 16:58

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